Some fun conversations with the people I met in India

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Below are some fun conversations I collected during the time in India living among people from so many cultural backgrounds. Well, just for fun, totally random!

1. In Delhi: me talking to a Japanese guy:

– Japanese guy: I don’t like food here. Too spicy.
– Vietnamese girl: Oh, really?! I’m used to spicy food now. I love chicken curry!
– Japanese guy: Oh so you need to go to Japan to eat chicken curry! Indian food in Japan is much better than here!

2. In Delhi: A group of people in my house talking. Indian. Chinese. American. Vietnamese.

– Indian: How do you say hello in your country?
– Chinese: “Ni hao” in China.
– Vietnamese: We say “Xin chao”! How do you say hello in the States? (blinking)
– American: Fuck you! (smiling)

3. In Delhi: me at the metro stations buying metro ticket, suddenly an Indian guy came next to me:

– Indian guy: Is it safe?
– Vietnamese girl: Excuse me?!
– Indian guy: Is the metro safe? This is my first time.
– Vietnamese girl: Ah, it’s fine..
– Indian guy: Are you married?
– Vietnamese girl: Huh?!?! Ah eh no!
– Indian guy: Do you have a boyfriend?
– Vietnamese girl: Ah eh uh huh.. YES!!
– Indian guy: Can I have your phone number?
– Vietnamese girl: Sorry, I don’t have a phone number..
– Indian guy: C’mon, I know you have a boyfriend!
– Vietnamese girl: I DON’T have a phone number! Thanks!

4. In Jodhpur: a group of “meat-eating” travelers going into Uncle Sam’s Pizza. Colombian. Romanian. Chinese. Vietnamese.

– Colombian: Shit! Only veg pizza?! Hey waiter!
– Waiter (Indian): Yes, Sir?
– Colombian: Do you have anything with meat here?
– Waiter: Sorry Sir, only veg here..
– Colombian: Uhm, this is Uncle Sam’s Pizza hah? Uncle Sam is American! And American are not veg! Why you have only veg here? Hah?!
– Waiter: Sorry Sir..
– Colombian: Hmmm so is there any place that we can find meat here in Jodhpur? (angry)
– Waiter: I’m afraid no.. Sir..
– Romanian: But why? I see so many cows walking on the street!

5. In Udaipur: 3 girls traveling together. American. Chinese. Vietnamese. Asking the auto rickshaw driver to take to a restaurant for dinner:

– American: Do you know any restaurant nearby?
– Rickshaw driver: Yes, Ma’am! I’ll take you there now.
– Chinese: veg or non-veg?
– Rickshaw driver: Veg Ma’am.
– American & Vietnamese: Ooohhh.. calm down dear!
– Chinese: I hate veg! Desperately since Jodhpur!

Ok, enough fun for now! Will come up with more stuff when I remember.

Ah well, some more now: 🙂

6. In Delhi: 3 interns at the training session with an Indian colleague. Japanese. Chinese. Vietnamese

– Indian (looking at the Japanese and Chinese): Do you understand now? I explained again and again already!
– Japanese:  Uhm.. not sure
– Chinese: Ah.. uh.. but why (something something)???!!!
– Indian (looking at the Vietnamese): Ok, you understand well. Could you help me explain to them in the Chinese language so all of you can understand?!
– Vietnamese: yeah, I will. Except for the fact that only the Chinese girl can speak “the Chinese language” here 😐 (man, you should know that people from East Asia are not all Chinese)

7. In Delhi: a group of foreigners walking on the street and caught by an Indian. Romanian. German. Portuguese. Vietnamese. Etc.

– Indian: Sir, Ma’am where are you from?
– German: from Germany.
– Indian: Nice country!
– Portuguese: Portugal.
– Indian: Nice country!
– Romanian: I’m from Europe.
– Indian: Nice country!

8.  In Delhi: me going on the street alone and an Indian showed up:

– Indian: where are you from?
– Vietnamese: I’m from Vietnam.
– Indian:  oh, Vietnam. Where is it?
– Vietnamese: ah South East Asia, close to Thailand, you know?
– Indian: Of course I know Thailand, but Vietnam is in which part of India?!

9 thoughts on “Some fun conversations with the people I met in India

    Ho Thao said:
    March 21, 2011 at 4:25 PM

    Hi Miên, mình là Thảo, EP LC HCM hôm trước có gọi Miên hỏi thăm kinh nghiệm đi Ấn đó 🙂 Cảm ơn Miên nhiều nhé, blog ny cực kỳ hữu ích lun. ah tụi mình có nhiểu điểm chung ghê Thảo cũng từng đi DT Poland vào t3 năm ngoái, có điều khác town ^^
    Mùng 6 tháng sau mình bay òi, TN Manager nói sẽ có cab pick up free tại sân bay và chở thẳng về trainee house lun nhưng hok bít nói ròi có làm hem…hồi đó nó có hứa pick up Miên hok?
    Còn zụ tiền nhà đúng như M nói nó bắt đóng tiền và đặt cọc ngay bữa đầu hơn 4tr (tiền nhà ko là Rs6000 oi;( mình sợ đổi tiền nhiều ở sân bay bị lỗ nên mún hỏi M bên đó có exchange office ở ngoài đường để mình đổi ko?
    Hix đang làm cún “cẩm nang sống sót ở Delhi”có khuynh hướng dài như cái sớ táo quân…ngoài những kinh nghiệm quý báu đã share trên blog hok biết M còn cảnh báo nào cho amateur này ko vd như trang phục đi làm mih nge nói toàn mặt jean với áo thun nên chả cần mang đồ công sở theo làm j đúng hok M?
    Sorry M hỏi hơi bị nhìu tí nếu có thời gian M share mình ít kinh nghiệm nhé.
    Cảm ơn, cảm ơn…và cảm ơn 😀

      Pham Hoang Mien responded:
      March 21, 2011 at 4:34 PM

      cảm ơn Thảo nhé :-).

      Ờ, DU có khá khẩm hơn IIT của Miên nên chắc tụi nó bảo có cab đón thì cũng tin tưởng đc :-D.

      Có, ở gần khu mình ở có 1 chỗ đổi tiền, tốt nhất là Thảo mail cho Delhi Stay mà hỏi (web của họ có link ở bài viết dành cho các EP của Miên)

      Mình là người nước ngoài nên họ cũng chả “chấp” đâu, mặc jeans cũng oke thôi :-D, nhưng cứ mang vài bộ công sở đi, phòng khi phải đi hội thảo, hay đi gặp khách hàng, v.v Có lần Miên đi hội thảo cùng công ty, tất cả mọi người đều “tề chỉnh” có mỗi mình mặc jeans và áo phông, thấy quê dữ dội luôn :))

    Ho Thao said:
    March 23, 2011 at 9:59 PM

    ooohhh cung hy vong moi chuyen se ok…cam on M da sharing nhe, doi bai viet moi…:D

    Tran Son said:
    April 5, 2011 at 2:01 PM

    Chào Miên,

    Đọc phần chuyện gẫu của bạn khi đi du lịc làm mình cười chết luôn! Cảm ơn bạn đã post lên. Nhiều khi mình đi du lịch, họ hay nghĩ mình là TQ, nên nói thôi rồi về hanoi, ” bồ hóng ” các câu chuyện họ nói với nhau, nhiều khi làm mình bật cười, thỉnh thoảng nghĩ lại vẫn còn buồn cười, nhưng không nghĩ ra lưu lại như bạn.

      Pham Hoang Mien responded:
      April 5, 2011 at 8:57 PM

      vậy từ giờ bạn lưu lại đi ;-). Mình cũng về đến nhà rồi, ngồi “rỗi hơi” mới nhớ lại xong ghi ra đó chứ. Thành ra cũng thiếu mất nhiều chuyện tức cười lắm.

    christina said:
    April 2, 2015 at 2:27 PM

    Hello Mien,

    I came across your blog while researching on AIESEC India. I have been accepted for a project to help cancer children. However my parents and relatives had strong objections of me heading to India due to security issues. May I know how did you manage to convince your family to allow you to embark on the trip? Thank you!

      Pham Hoang Mien responded:
      April 2, 2015 at 9:33 PM

      Hi Christina, where are you from? Honestly speaking I didn’t feel India very difficult in terms of security. I did have a few things stolen in India, but well, it can happen anywhere if you are not careful. However, I didn’t have to face any dangerous situations overall. Don’t trust the media, they only fuss about things to get more attention for their articles.

      Lucky me, I didn’t have to persuade my family much. They were okay with me going and actually they knew that I would go anyway even if they liked it or not. Finally, it was my life and I took the responsibility 🙂

        xchristinax said:
        April 4, 2015 at 11:53 AM

        I am from Singapore…Your family seems to trust you a lot! Even though I tried telling them about the project details and logistics they are still as stubborn as ever. Do you often travel alone?

        Pham Hoang Mien responded:
        April 4, 2015 at 2:40 PM

        I traveled alone sometimes, not so often, but I did a few solo travels in India. It was fun.

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